Michael Nealy, Business Manager
Join Us
Are you an open shop employee looking for a fair labor rate, health & welfare benefits, a pension plan to protect your future, safe working conditions, specialized training and representation in employment disputes? Consider this:
Electrical Contractors often belong to associations that were formed by employers to promote and benefit their interests such as:
Associated Builders and Contractors
Connecticut Electrical Contractors Association
Subcontractors Association of America
Independent Electrical Contractors Association
When doing business, electrical contractors sign contracts when they bid, when they buy supplies and they would never think of performing any work without signing a contract.
Then why won’t they sign a contract that protects the rights of their workers?
A union contract is a signed agreement between the contractors and the union spelling out the rights of the workers. As a union member, you are part of a democratic process and will have input on what to negotiate for. A negotiating committee bargains “in good faith” to reach an agreement on wages, benefits and working conditions. The contract is then ratified (approved) by a majority of the workers.
For detailed wage and benefits comparisons of open shop vs. union membership, please visit the IBEW at http://www.ibew.com/Join-the-IBEW.
All communication will be confidential to protect your rights!